Author: Ashutosh Barot

Ashutosh has found security issues that prevented leak of personal information belonging to 100 million+ people. He specialize in finding vulnerabilities in Web, Mobile applications, IT infrastructure, and consulting organizations on why, how, and when to fix them. He is working with Deloitte since Jun 2017 as a Cyber Security Consultant/Engineer, Acknowledged by organizations like Google, Twitter, US Department of Defense, Symantec, United Nations, Rapid7, Trend Micro, Avira, United Airlines, IBM, Go Airlines, etc. for finding out security flaws in web applications.

Online Transactions: Learn Exactly How To Improve Your Digital Security And Privacy

Hello everyone! In our last tutorial, we had talked about pushing up your mobile device security. I hope you all have found it useful and also started applying those tips in your day to day life. If not, then I advise you to start right now! Today, we will take this tutorial ahead to cover […]

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